Owner: Ray White
The Home page:
Seems kind of long but I like the pro click exchange benefits table. I like how you have your name on the front page. A lot of owners don’t do that.
Off to the members area:
I REALLY don’t like how there’s 27 nav buttons. The main member page is super long but there is a facebook piece which is great. Easy to find the promo section, as well as the my sites section.
Off to surf:
The surf bar is not very captivating. Color is dull and there are quite a few sites that have server warnings and my sql warnings all over the page.
Over all: The home page holds a sense of uniqueness while driving the message home. Members area has a lot of nav buttons which can turn people off rather quick. The surf itself is okay. Some color could liven it up or to even match the color to the site, and maybe even new surf buttons.
This traffic exchange receives a yes recommendation and a grade of a C
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And that is My traffic exchange Review
James Dias